Thursday, October 1, 2009

Self-Quiz, Chapter 2, Wheelock

The answer key is below the exercises.

I. Fill in the blanks with the correct form (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, ablative, or vocative) and number (singular or plural) of the words shown in parentheses and translate.

1. __________ (nauta) non valent.

2. Date __________ (poeta) multas rosas.

3. Poeta est sine ______________(pecunia).

4. _____________(poena) saepe das.

5. ______________(patria mea; genitive) philo-

sophiam laudant.

II. Give the indicated form:

6. ablative plural of “great anger”

7. genitive plural of “fortune”

8. nominative singular of “feeling”

9. dative plural of “life”

10. accusative singular of “my philosophy”


1. nautae: The sailors are not strong.

2. poetae: Give many roses to the poet; give the poet many roses.

3. pecunia: The poet is without money.

4. poenas (or poenam): You often pay the penalty.

5. patriae meae: They praise the philosophy of my country.

6. iris magnis 7. fortunarum 8. sententiae 9. vitis

10. philosophiam meam

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